Key Features


Advanced Strategy Crafting

Our engine rapidly backtests data, evaluating an impressive 64k permutations and combinations per second to design the most effective capital market strategies.


Consistent Returns

We always deliver a steady annual net returns of 24% to our customers, to ensure the long-term financial growth and to maintain the consistency.


Autonomous Learning

Equipped with self-diagnostic capabilities, M2 identifies issues and learns autonomously, continuously improving its performance.


Real-Time Monitoring

The system constantly monitors orders and issues alerts as necessary, ensuring seamless operations and peace of mind for our users.

What Do We Offer


Targeted Returns

Our program is designed to achieve approximately up to 24% annual net returns, providing a significant boost to your investment portfolio.


Capital Requirements

We require a minimum expected capital of 25 lakh INR, with no upper limit on the investment amount. This allows flexibility for both new and experienced investors.


Risk Management

We cap the risk to a maximum of 15% of the invested capital. Funds remain within the customer's demat accounts, so you retain full control over your assets.


Payout Flexibility

Choose your payout frequency—whether quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly—according to your financial needs and preferences.


Exit Option

Should you choose to end our association, an exit option is available with a three-month window, offering flexibility and security in your investment journey.

About M2 Money Machine

Beat The Market With Powerful & Intuitive Machine Learning Algorithm

With M2 Money Machine's powerful automated trading bots, place your orders 3x faster without any manual intervention

  • Place your order 3x faster
  • 64000 outcomes per nanosecond
  • Precision calls
  • Pre-defined back-tested strategies
  • Never miss any trade opportunities

M2 Money Machine

M2 Money Machine is a robust, tech-driven, Artificial Intelligence led trading platform with back-tested strategies for wealth enhancement; anyone from any corner of the nation can now make the most of the market.

  • Automate the entry and exit of positions.
  • Reduce the market impact of large orders.
  • Reduce the risk of manual errors when placing orders.
  • Remove the emotional aspect of trading.

Simple Process To Start

It's easier than you think. Follow 4 simple easy steps


Create an account


Submit required documents


Sync your broker
accounts with M2 Money Machine


Choose your
subscription plan

Experience the future of wealth management with M2 Money Machine

Our innovative tool is here to optimize your financial growth while keeping your investments secure and under your control

Ready to take the next step? Contact us to learn more about M2
