Our Story

Long story short, started some point in Orion Arm @ 0° Lat and 360° Long. On June 3rd, 2020 11:45 am an idea tickled prescient-class brains, it was during the first majority lockdown globally all the normal was not normal anymore, locked in homes hoping the world around would revive in some time, all the business, jobs were affected, slowly financial situation for self, friends & family was deteriorating, at that very moment that tickled idea triggered a fire for sustainable passive income from a trusted and covid free source.

That turned the head towards the stock market when everybody else was talking, doing it during the hard times hoping something good gonna happen. But to a surprise that idea was just a mirage in the desert, the hope, the left little money from the savings vanished into thin air.

Hearts heavy, more distress sets in, like the wrath of gods upon us. seeing most of the people meeting the same fate as ours, landing a thought that we are not alone in this journey, something is missing which needs to be fixed to get what we want, then the glory of strategy like moonlight in the dark sky spreads over.

Given that strategic planning in any trade would bring us an edge over the market, on a second thought found some drawbacks & limitations which is mainly connected to emotions + discipline, also including the anchoring & recency bias which lead to loss aversion or strategy deviation.

This called for a robotic intelligence that can do what we can do and also do more than us, emotionless and discipline trades which can execute the perfect strategies which can inline the proper Risk to Reward ratio with strict Target and Stop-loss calculation.

So we have summoned all our intellect and resources to bring you the "M2 Money Machine" an algorithmic trading software created by Optiwins Fintech, to solve all the stock market trading problems with one click.

Our Team

With our tailor-made advanced trading products, anyone can now make the most of the capital market.

Pradhyumnnan NG


8 Yrs. of Business Transformation and Operational experience. Also, Certified Investment advisor in Securities Market




11yrs. of Diversified Experience in IT and Data Science fields. Immense knowledge in forecasting in Artificial Intelligence.




13Yrs. of Diversified Experience in IT & IT Operations with Demonstrated Skills in Stock Market - India.


Our Values

  • Vision

    To make money multiplication a child's play & bring financial independence to all our clients.

  • Mission

    Provide one click solution to all financial problems.

Open M2 Money Machine Account

Modern platforms and applications, start equity & directive trades.
